Chad Mertz

Chad Mertz is a loyal dog lover at heart, cherishing daily walks and adventures with his beloved companion dog, a success story from Homeward Animal Shelter’s mission to "Rescue. Shelter. Protect. Rehome."
Years ago, Homeward Animal Shelter intervened to save Chad’s dog niece from euthanasia, enabling her to become the beloved first dog of the Mertz family. Her presence made a lasting, positive impact on many lives, with the ripples still felt today. This pivotal moment ultimately led Chad to rescue three dogs throughout the years, enriching his life and allowing him to experience some of life’s most meaningful moments.
Alongside his qualifications as a registered architect and member of the national council of architecture registration boards, Chad is also a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design accredited professional with over 30 years of experience in architecture and construction. He holds a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers certification in construction quality management for contractors and earned two degrees from North Dakota State University. Horns up!
A native to Fargo, Chad has contributed his expertise to diverse building projects such as K-12 schools, healthcare facilities, senior housing, financial institutions, places of worship, municipal buildings, commercial spaces, and even a local animal hospital.
Beyond his professional achievements, Chad has given back to the community through various volunteer efforts over the years, but is especially proud of the ten years he dedicated as a volunteer youth hockey coach and his recent appointment to the Board of Directors at Homeward Animal Shelter. This latest role is a tribute to the dogs that have been a cherished part of his family's life, both past and present.